Some people go through life living according to other's wishes and some live life through their own ways. But, if you really get right down to it, or the pessimistic way of thinking, we are all living life according to another person or persons' wishes. For example, a small group of elitist who hold all the power in the world. But, I won't be going there today. Instead, I'll be concentrating on what I believe will make a meaningful life, or at least how I want to live my life.
First things first: never waste time. Although it might be intangible, it is nevertheless valuable. I am big on time. I dislike wasting my time, and I hate it even more when other people waste my time. That's right - hate. "Oh, such a strong word" is probably what you're thinking, but that is just how much I treasure my time. The life expectancy for me, according to boring statistics, averages around 81 to 83 years old. But, because of society today with its processed food and lack of time and energy to properly exercise and take a break from working continuously, that expectancy is probably a bit more optimistic. Nevertheless, if I were immortal (God forbid), I would still get pretty annoyed if my time were a-wasting.
Secondly, have a positive outlook on life in general. Don't always think about negative things or let your mind wander off to places of no return. It is not good for your health, and certainly a waste of time. A good way to achieve this would be to make a bad situation, good! This will help lower your blood level and make you a more fun person to be around. Also, since we're on the topic of being around people now - surround yourself with people you actually like. Sure, connections are important, but with Facebook these days, the most connecting you'll be doing with these people you hardly know would be to like their profile picture or share their video. So, in real life, away from the World Wide Web and those superficial online relationships, step out into the sun and find people you enjoy the company of! There's some type of saying that if you surround yourself with beautiful people, you'll become beautiful as well. I'll let you think about that.

Last, but definitely not any less important, is to always be thankful with what you have. Although this might be difficult to do at first, it is definitely feasible. I remember when I was always scrolling through my Facebook and being overly jealous at what other people have and/or doing, and I would start to get annoyed at my own life as I compare the two. It really brought me down and I wasted a lot of my energy on it. But, after thinking about all the things I already have that some people don't have, I was gradually able to step out of that never ending black hole. For those people that are having a hard time with this, here is a little trick I used that I was able to apply to get myself out of that self-loathing-ness. I simply compared what I had that most of the other people on my Facebook didn't have (in a way, sort of like bragging, but doing it internally so people won't think of you as an ass, excuse my French). It can be the smallest things, something that other people may find insignificant, but others may never have. For example, an understanding family, funny parents, your creative skills, ability to keep yourself organized, a clean room - like, all the time, or maybe how you're always on top of things and always getting stuff done before others so you have plenty of time for other things (perhaps a social life!). Anything that makes you happy is definitely something to be thankful for. But, something that annoys you aren't always what you think - that they're just out there to get you, rather they're trying to tell you something or guide you. Maybe that bus you missed was a good thing because then you could have met the love of your life on the next one, or the next bus' fare machine was broken so you didn't have to pay bus fare. The littlest things in life are the things that people should be most thankful for, because when it's not there anymore, it'll be even harder to get it back, and you'll always feel something is missing. This is similar to treasuring what you have in a way.
These three points are the most important things that I believe in will make me live a meaningful and happy life. I hope I was able to share some useful things that you can take away and given you an inspiring moment. There is also a book, called The Secret similar to what I have shared, but elaborates much more (and more well written for sure) that really gives you an awakening experience. If you have the time, or just happen to come across it at the bookstore or a friend's place, definitely flip through it and take a look at what it says - it might just change your life. They also have a website and a section where you can read stories of people who have used The Secret (I read some of them and some sound really doubtful, but hey, who I am to judge). Another (amazing) blogger, whom I am a fan of, also goes into a lot of detail about this book and its ideas and concepts, as well as her real life experiences. Her name is Xiaxue and she is a famous blogger in Singapore (quite funny and individualistic as well). If you have time, do check out her post as it got me thinking quite a lot about how I have been going about in life and really allowed me to introspect my ways of being. Deep stuff, I know.
(P.S. This post is not sponsored by anything or anyone. Though, I do wish I was able to make money off this thing. Maybe I should try out The Secret sometime.)