
Welcome to my lifestyle blog, Morning Milly

I am a simple girl living in a not-so-simple world. I like to create art with my main media being ink and watercolour, and to take pretty pictures documenting every step of my fun adventures. I like the classics, be it style or snail-mail, but I also enjoy the new, like water slides and hot tubs. I enjoy the little things in life and live my life following the Golden Rule. In this blog, not only will you discover more of my personality, but also of my creativity-ness, where I believe that "pictures are worth a thousand words". 

As you can probably deduce, this blog is a lifestyle blog, meaning that I will be overlapping and venturing out in many different categories. Some of these categories will include arts and crafts, outing journals, how-to's, and little random bursts of happiness or the blues.

The goals of my blog are to share my findings, narrate my stories of wonderful adventures, record my experiences, and show and tell my treasures. I also look forward to the changes this blog will undergo as years pass by, hoping that it will allow me to introspect and reminiscence years down the road.

I will be narrating in my own voice as I take you along for the ride. This voice will embody who I am as a person, and I hope to record my development as an individual as I continue to go on new adventures, discovering and learning about myself and other fascinating things. This voice will sound somewhat academic, somewhat girly, somewhat thoughtful, and sometimes even somewhat outright silly. Nevertheless, this is my voice. A voice that belongs to a sophomore student, as well as an elementary teacher hopeful, at a university located somewhere over the non-existent rainbows, also known as Raincouver.

I hope to be able to relate to different types of readers, each with their unique point of view and creativity. I also hope to be able to nurture friendships where I can continue to learn and exchange shared interests in the general matter of art and style.

This is a bit about my blog and me. Now won't you have some tea and stay for a while?

For more,
Instagram: showtotell
Tumblr: showtotell
Dayre: milly