I really like drawing and experimenting with patterns. It gives me a very free feeling, as if there are no restrictions. I used masking (a technique where you use tape to create a shape, so when you add colour over it, that space will remain white) and shaped out a garland of triangles. I don't feel too good about the background. Looking at it now, I should have done them randomly in circles instead of in strips. It looks too uniformed this way, and block-y. "A beautiful mind" was what I thought when I looked at the finished product, because rainbows are beautiful and the patterns are just so free. I would want my life to be this colourful, simple, straight-forward, and free.
The circles with the paint dripping and the patterns on top (left) is by Chenyue. I tried to make my colours similar to hers with a twist (right). The colours that I used were more earth-y, and my style of patterns is more dark and bold. I really like her paint drips, and she drew them on, making them look like the real thing! For some reason, I feel like mine is really empty. I was thinking if I should add a few things to transform it into hot air balloons or Chinese lanterns, but in the end, I just left them as they were. For now, until I think of what I can do with them, I'll just leave them be.
This flower pattern is very much inspired by Marimekko. It is a Finnish company that creates beautiful patterns of fabric and other things, such as dresses and bags. I really liked this pattern, so I thought I'll change it up a bit by just sparsely arranging them, instead of crowding them together like what Marimekko did. If you can, do check out her fabric collection! There are a lot of amazing and fun patterns!
The strawberry-shaped hot air balloon (left) was just drawn on a whim. I had this hot air balloon phrase back in high school, and I think it's going to stick with me for a while. The idea of hot air balloons is very fascinating to me. There are a lot of designs for one shape, and this shape can manage to lift itself into the air and travel through the clouds. There is just something so romantic about it to me. If I can, I would love to ride in a hot air balloon on a beautiful, sunny day. Anyways, I was thinking of adding other fruits into it, but maybe I'll save that for another time? As for the flowers overlapping each other (right), you can probably recognize the design from my 52 Weeks of Drawing, Week 3 Plants. I really liked the design, so I decided to transfer it onto a smaller sheet of paper. This time, more fuller, more crowded, and just basically, more of it with different coloured petals. I like how it overlaps with each other - more shapes (yay)! I was listening to "Her Morning Elegance" by Oren Lavie, and I felt the song title really suited these flowers, so on the back is the song title's name.
I plan on painting more of these because they're simple and easy, and best of all, look amazing! As for the white gel pen I bought and was so excited to try out, it really sucks. It's not white enough and when I tried to use it on dried watercolour (which has been dried for at least two days), it did not work. I had to either go over it many times again, or just give up. Also, the pen tip transfers colours. When I used it on a green coloured background, and then used it on a blue coloured background, the white pen gave me a green ink instead. I'm heading to a proper art store next week, so hopefully, I will be able to find a proper white gel pen!