Although I had a somewhat bad start to the day (I saw someone I would rather not see), it immediately got better as I got to see an old classmate. I hardly recognized him because of Movember so that was a nice surprise. Also, because I only had one class today, I was able to have a break for myself before my club event. I watched a few YouTube videos (like Arthur) and ate Tonkatsu. It was good, except now I have to go buy more sauce for it. Afterwards, I caught the bus back to the University and headed to the event venue. Once I helped set up, I went to the door to help with the registration table. Unfortunately, not many people came as we had anticipated so that was quite a big letdown. But, we got over it pretty fast since we did have some people show up! Whatever, more food for the rest of us! Consequently, we all played games and stuffed ourselves with sugar - it was a good night.
I think I will try to do more of these What Made Me Happy Today entries seeing as how my Thank Friday series did not work out as I wanted. But for WMMHT, it will be difficult to do everyday, but I will most definitely try!
* Picture accompaniment not guaranteed sadly.