Well, the point is that it makes us feel a whole lot of amazing-ness when we actually do check one off the list!
So, to make myself feel productive and that I actually accomplished something worthwhile, here is my New Years Resolution for 2015!
- Don't be like a firecracker. Don't get set off so easily by other people (what they say, what they do) - they are not worth my time nor energy.
- Be nice, because karma.
- Work hard, play harder. Boost my GPA up from last year. All the way up.
- Exercise and lose some weight. Stretch at least three/four times a week and maybe do the 7 minute workout routine.
- Step out of my comfort zone.
- Forgive and forget those in the past because the present is more important for my future.
- Cross something off my bucket list because life is too short to procrastinate on something I have always wanted to do.
- Conquer one fear - baby steps, guys.
- Phone is friend, not food. Concentrate on dinner companion instead of an inanimate object.
- Speak quieter and nicer (be more ladylike).
- Have patience - lots and lots and lots of it.
- Eat Clean. I need to eat more healthy things, not necessarily green things and limit my indulgence in greasy, fatty, and unhealthy foods. (* Note: This does not include my monthly ramyun meal)
To make sure that I at least achieve some of these (hopefully all, though), I will check back with myself and this list at the end of every month to make sure I am on track. I guess that's another resolution in itself as well.