- Don't be like a firecracker. This is going to be a lot more challenging since I've moved back home with my parents... hopefully, I'll be able to keep the (somewhat) calm, cool, collected attitude up.
- Be nice. Maybe it's the stress of final exams and essays, but at least i didn't let my temper show (not too much I hope).
- Work hard, play harder. Yes, especially during final paper times! We managed to pump out a 15 page essay in one day aside from other supernatural occurrences that happened during our nights up writing essays.
- Exercise and lose some weight. Finals Season = No Exercise or conscience in regards to eating unhealthy foods. Now that I'm home, my mom is restricting what I eat - hopefully this will show results soon!
- Step out of my comfort zone. Definitely did for interviews and presenting myself as the new President for my club.
- Forgive and forget. If I can't remember, then I can probably check this off.
- Cross something off my bucket list. Now that I have more time (before summer session starts anyways), maybe I'll be able to cross some things off it.
- Conquer one fear. Sorry, but I need a night light for my room; it's too dark at night.
- Phone is friend, not food. Will need to definitely work on this, especially when I'm studying.
- Speak quieter and nicer. Probably both now that I feel a lot more relaxed at home.
- Have patience. Definitely when I'm hungry, I'll have to exercise this.
- Eat Clean. Again, not really because of Finals Everything Season... but hopefully will be back on track soon!
I hope there'll be better results for the month of May... can you believe it? It's already May! And of course, you can't go on with May without saying May the Fourth be with you!