Sunday, March 1, 2015

152. Review Session for February

Reviewing my list of to-do's for the New Year (based off of my 2015 resolutions here).

  1. Don't be like a firecracker. Better than last month. But, I think it all depends on how loud the neighbours are, unfortunately.
  2. Be nice. Yes.
  3. Work hard, play harder. Now I need to work on the first part of this resolution instead of the latter.
  4. Exercise and lose some weight. Stopped working out, but on a low to no carb diet and still walking to class instead of taking the two minutes bus ride to campus.
  5. Step out of my comfort zone. Went paintball-ing and got shot smack in the arm. But, I got a souvenir from it, which is a bruise.
  6. Forgive and forget. I think the trick is to just either stop thinking about it or lower its "importance," meaning to not care about it so much.
  7. Cross something off my bucket list. Not yet....
  8. Conquer one fear. I finally took a huge step forward as an independent twenty-one year old adult! I learnt how to use a lighter for the very first time this month and have been lighting candles almost everyday! It's all so exciting!
  9. Phone is friend, not food. Cutting down on using the phone during meal times on dates (except when I need to take pictures of the food, of course)
  10. Speak quieter and nicer. Yup.
  11. Have patience. At the beginning of February it was a bit tough because of everything going on and the things I needed to prepare before club events and with midterms and assignments mixed into it.
  12. Eat Clean. Yup, on a low to no carb diet again.
Ten months left to go!