Our Power Ranger poses.
The biggest reason that usually deters people away from joining Storm the Wall is because of the bruises that they will inevitably receive (unless your skin is tough like eraser and it is hard to 'dent' it).
Here is a timeline of my bruises that I received on both my knees, inner right thigh, right bicep, and left shoulder.
In case you forgot what they looked like during the week the Clinic was held, here are the pictures to refresh your memory.
Day of the Clinic (Practice)
Two Days after the Clinic
A Day after the Event
And to think this is only the beginning....
However, that's not what the aim of this post is! It is not meant to deter you away from this amazing event, but rather to encourage you to participate - if even just once during your time at UBC!
As promised, here are the six top reasons why you should try storming the wall at least once in your life!
- For the experience. The experience of getting over a 12 feet wall is not something that you'll easily be able to accomplish anywhere else but at UBC.
- For the adrenaline. If not for the exercise, then at least for the energy that's constantly pumping through you during the duration of your heat. Just the feeling of competitiveness alongside other teams should be enough to power you through the event.
- For the recognition. If you are a competitive team, then imagine taking first place and being able to use that on your resume and showing off to your parents that you really did not waste their money during the years you have spent wandering around university partying and drinking - that it ultimately contributed to a good cause! If you are a just for fun team, there is also the recognition in that people admire you for just doing the whole thing just for fun! It will elevate your status in other peoples' eyes as they begin to see you in a new light as someone that is active in their community and all for school spirit!
- For the respect. By joining Storm the Wall, you gain respect from your peers, professors, parents, the community, and yourself. Heck, even the nature respects you for defying the impossible and making it possible! And if you competed in the Iron or Super Iron categories - you have my respect you superhero you.
- For the team. Being able to enjoy this event alongside teammates, organizers, staff, and volunteers of the race is really fulfilling. You get a sense of community, school spirit, and unity - and that's not something that you can experience everyday, unfortunately.
- And last, but not least, for the fun! Although at times you may think to yourself "did someone put a gun to my head and force me to participate in this crazy event?" I can guarantee you that this will be rare. Instead, you will be thinking "It was definitely worth it!"
I can vouch for all of these points, but these are merely a few reasons on why you should definitely participate in UBC's biggest event of the year before you graduate!
Now for some pictures of the runner of our team L and me!
Overall, it was a great experience and I would love to do it all over again for next year - bruises and all!