These past few days I've been hanging out with friends at my house. It was a lot of fun! A very good friend of mine, Eileen, came over on Friday morning to help prepare for the weekend Harry Potter Marathon. We tried to make Butterbeer, but because we had the wrong extract (we got brandy) and colour (we got the pink cream soda instead of the clear cream soda), it ended up tasting... different (not that any of us had Butterbeer before, but we knew it wasn't it). So, in the end, instead of adding more things to it that could eventually make it even worse, we just called it "Umbridge Special", after the annoying Dolores Umbridge that appears in the Order of the Phoenix. We also made an ice cream dessert with crushed up biscuits on the bottom of a pan, layered vanilla ice cream on top, and some fruits for toppings. It tasted not bad! But, next time, I will have to melt some ice cream to mix with the biscuit crumbs so they stick together when cut up and eaten. After that, Eileen and I just caught up with things and went to bed for the big day the next day. We got up early the next day and had brunch at the Old Spaghetti Factory. I got the Chicken Parmigiana with Spaghetti with tomato sauce and it tasted so good!
After brunch, we went back to wait for people to arrive. Two friends were running late, so the three of us (one came on time somewhat) and played Monopoly to start. I didn't win... maybe next time! After everyone got here, we started the movies. It was almost four in the morning when we decided to pause midway through the Goblet of Fire and call it a night (or early morning?). We continued the next day and had waffles with maple syrup, whipping cream, and fruits for breakfast. We finished the Goblet of Fire, and Eileen had to leave shortly after we started the next movie, the Order of the Phoenix. After watching the fifth movie, we decided that it was impossible to finish today, so we agreed on watching it together again once University starts again.
Overall, it was a lot of fun! I remember watching Harry Potter when I first starting learning English, so I couldn't really remember much of what happened, except for the really memorable (in other words, scary) scenes. It was great being able to re-watch the movies and spot the foreshadowing and whatnot for the ending. I can't wait until we get together again to finish it off!