It's a pink bus. It's a pink, double-decker bus. What more do I need to say?
A life sized Mickey Mouse Lego doll. I wanted to go in the store and move its arms....
Stopped by at a really nice and cozy cafe for some late lunch. The bun tasted really good! I can't describe it that well but it's crispy and has that smoked flavour to it!
Then I saw my friend having Minestrone soup and I've been having a massive craving for chicken noodle soup ever since University stopped for the summer. So I got chicken noodle soup to satisfy my craving! I'm glad I did because it tasted so good!
See those squiggly lines in the sky? No, it's not my camera malfunctioning. It's real. It was my first time to see such a thing so obviously I had to take a picture of it!
This is a funny sign, not just because it's in Canada (the stereotype that all Canadians are nice), but because at the back, it says "You might fall in love", which I think is one of the cutest things ever!
Beautiful lamp post with beautiful flowers hanging from it and a fitting street sign.
I just thought this bike was really cute with the basket full of flowers! I want to decorate my bike like that too!
I love the old buildings around here! It's got such a vintage feel! The decorations and colours are... indescribable! (See what I did there?)
And then I had this yummy meatloaf with mashed potatoes and veggies for only $8!! I couldn't even finish it!