Today, we headed up to Grouse Mountain and the weather was just gorgeous.
We went up on the gondola and it was pretty fun going over the two bumps on the way up and way down. On the way down, it's even more intense because I got that weird stomach twisting feeling (as if on a roller coaster). It was fun!
When we got to the top, we went on another lift up to where the windmill was. But, because we had to make the Lumberjack Show, we had to go on the lift down right after reaching the top, so I didn't get to take any pictures of the top.
That was a bit disappointing, but I'm glad the Lumberjack Show made up for it! I can't believe I haven't watched it before the last two times I was up here! It's such a great and very entertaining show with a lot of funny jokes and witty remarks! I really enjoyed myself!
And some pictures that are equally as amazing that I took at Grouse Mountain!